

Thoughts while Reading "Tenderheaded: A comb-bending Collection of Hair Stories"

Skimming through this book I realized that some women have serious issues about hair.
A passage titled RELAX YOUR MIND! by Jenyne M. Raines boggled my mind because it is promoting a relaxed mind that accepts the norm. Are we not the original woman? If we are, only intuition can tell you whether you should relax your mind as well as your hair and allow the bald spots to begin forming.

In this passage the author states that "I'll probably never be wild about my nose, but I've always loved my hair" and later on states "I don't look good with braids, and no curly Afro...Relaxed hair is part of how I see myself."

Is that not doublespeak? How can you love your hair, yet not let it breath for a bit.


There is no evolving past the imitation, unless you realize you're imitating them while they're imitating you and calling it equal.

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