

What are you going to do with your hair? you should get a wig!

From my experience black women who rock the weaves and wigs look down upon me and us as a whole who are natural. The looks I've been given attest to that. Looks like: you-really-went-outside-looking-like-that; men-always-love-long-hair-that's-why-I-got-my-bf-and-you-don't, etc. These stares and looks are very detrimental to black women living in both cities and rural areas; more so in rural areas. I bring this up because we all need to find our sangha; our community sanctuary. Please, when choosing who you let into your private club make sure they are on your paradigm or frequency, because my great Aunt sure isn't in mine but I have to live with her at the moment.
Natural Hair Help. * BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.