

My Birth Day passed and I got no closer to my journey

December 23rd was my birth day and this date is a blessing because I was born on a Saturday (my favorite day) and the number 23 is such a beautiful number to me. So I feel I have a deep connection to my birth date and everything that surrounded it.

However, the days before and after my birth day this year were days that were chaotic and seemed to last for far too long then it needed to be.

I will not bore you with details. As, at this time, that I am writing this post (1:42am), it is hard to even formulate a story that could wrap up all of those days up into a paragraph.

I will simply state that I am unsure of my future. Only dreams are alive.
What is a birth day good for anyways?
I believe it is good to reflect and to think of the past year and what you have accomplished.

I am a college student who moved back home from going to a school 5 hrs away.I do not want to be normal, and have never been normal. I am the weird girl, who's quiet because I do not wish to get my dreams crushed by the robotic thinking that people sometimes have.

So what have I accomplished this past year?

Um... yeah, I didn't reflect, so wait a bit.....uhmm......
I need to MEDITATE on this.
And I suggest you do the same.
If you really are interested. Send me a comment and I will be candid.


Nikki Yeager said...

I would love to hear more about it. I'm a little weird as well. College dropout, entrepreneur, artist, free spirit and international traveler (you commented on my blog, so I'm sure you've read about it all...

Overall I feel the same way. With New Years I thought the same thing- what have I done in the last year. In fact, I think I'm going to write a blog about it. Will comment back when I finish it.

But I understand what you're thinking. People are negative. Let them be negative. And yes, people will tear you down. Let them try.

Because in my opinion, it's the weird ones who always succeed.


p.s. check out StrateJoy (can't remember the web address but if you google it I'm sure you'll find it). There's a ton of stories about "weird" girls on there :)

Emmanuela said...

Yeah, I have a lot of growing up to do and soon I'm going to venture in writing a personal blog about my life, so maybe it'll be therapeutic.

Thanks for commenting.

I will post a reflection soon.

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