

Uninformed people

Today, some friends and I were talking about one of their baby daughter's (hair) beautiful curls. She has good hair they said and I really took offense to that and the mother said her daughter doesn't have nappy hair and how she has somewhat nappy hair.
This really pissed me off. I don't understand people and their misconceptions or why they don't delve deep into what's real. As long as hair is healthy it will be beautiful, you don't need to label hair as good or bad. Just like you can't call someone evil, you can only call their actions or words hurtful or evil not her/him. I guess we are conditioned to give things and people one word feelings/emotions but that helps no one better themselves. And it's hard to go from saying "oh, you're clumsy" to saying "you're acting clumsy", because we are for the most part not taught to speak like that.
I think when we better the way we talk to ourselves and to others then we can change who we are and what we are. Learning to let go of the every day words we say to ourselves and to others can help us realize that we don't have to stay the same, that change is possible even though at times it's scary. I'm scared of change sometimes, but it's a normal process, every day the weather is different and so should we be.

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