Have constant Breakage? Here's what You're Doing Wrong
Styling Natural Hair
Brushing hair too frequently can lead to breakage if you are not careful in detangling the hair prior to brushing as well as not brushing hair when dry. It is best to brush moisturized hair not dry hair.
Heat damage can lead to lots of little small hairs falling out every time you touch your hair strands. If you need to apply heat to your hair, apply at minimum once a month if breakage is a constant dilemma in your natural hair care.
Man-handling your hair, i.e. pulling roughly and impatiently can lead to constant breakage as it is habit forming and leads to a less than satisfied feeling about one’s own natural hair. Get all misconceptions about your natural hair out of your head and focus on the needs of your hair and not on wishing your hair looked like one of those pictures of natural hair porn.
Lack of Nutrients
Eating inadequately or infrequently will lead to lack of optimal nutrients this lack will then show itself in your nails, hair, and skin (the largest organ). It may take months to materialize but once it’s been revealed to you, it will take a large active effort to go back to a healthy being!
Lack of Maintenance
If one week you moisturize your hair daily or every other day and just twice the following week, you are not including your hair into your daily regimen. Women with naturally straight hair and even some curly heads wash their hair every day, so adding a little moisturizer and a little spritz and oil here and there is not a lot that your hair is asking for. Give your hair what it deserves – a chance!